Best Physiotherapy Treatments For Patients To Choose

29. March 2024

best physiotherapy treatments for patients to choose

Due to the COVID pandemic, we have all been restricted in more ways than one. Not being able to access family, social groups, daily services and activities have impacted the world, to say the least.

As restrictions are starting to be lifted and we begin to emerge from lockdown it is important that we look after ourselves, each other and most importantly our health.

Whether it be ailments that have been left unattended, injuries sustained from working at home or conditions that may arise as we prepare to return to our general routines. CK Physio wants to make sure you’re equipped with information on the best available treatments that you may benefit from.

What are the best physiotherapy treatments I can choose from?

Physiotherapy involves an amalgamation of treatments and preventative approaches. These therapies and techniques help those affected by illness, injury or disability.

Depending on the specific problem you’re experiencing, physiotherapy can help to manage pain, increase motion, aid recovery and prevent further damage or disease. But knowing which one to choose can seem a little daunting.

We have compiled a list of the best physiotherapy treatments available, covering a vast area of injuries, illnesses and ailments.

Education and advice

Ok, so this is not necessarily a direct treatment but is important nonetheless. Like this blog, informative and educative advice is a good starting point for finding guidance relevant to your situation, illness or injury.

Although treatments may be received to treat a particular injury or part of the body, physiotherapy also involves looking at the body as a whole. Therefore it’s imperative to provide relevant and up to date information for your overall health and wellbeing.

Physiotherapists of course provide specific advice that can also be applied to your daily activities. Such advice is given to help reduce pain or risk of injury, eg. if suffering from back pain then advice for good posture, correct lifting and handling or even how to avoid overstretching may be provided.

Movement and exercise

Although rest is recommended in the initial recovery stage, the promotion of early movement and exercise integration is also suggested.

Physiotherapists encourage the adoption of a range of motion (ROM) exercises to improve your mobility, circulation and function. Regular movements of joints and muscles will help to prevent muscle atrophy, reduce pain and improve posture.

Used alone or alongside other treatments, movement and exercise restores independence and maintains overall health. Exercises may include but not be limited to:

  • Strengthening
  • Balancing
  • Core
  • Hydrotherapy

Sports physiotherapy and workplace physiotherapy are also ways to help prevent or manage injuries related to that specific industry.

Manual therapy

Physiotherapists use their hands to stretch, manipulate, and mobilise soft tissue. This manual treatment is to reduce swelling and inflammation, encourage joint suppleness and flexibility and also improve circulation and fluid drainage.

Manual therapy is useful for specific injuries or problems but also for conditions that do not involve bones, joints or muscles. It can help people with long term conditions by promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality.

Electrotherapy and ultrasound

Electrotherapy is a non-invasive treatment using electrical energy that is passed through the skin via electrodes. Ultrasound uses a high-frequency soundwave, sending fine vibrations through the cells of the body.

Both treatments are topical and are used to help (but not limited to):

  • Increase circulation
  • Restore muscle tissue
  • Relieve chronic pain
  • Mend or forge new neural pathways within the brain and nervous system.

The immediate effect of relief can sometimes be felt when using these treatments.

Heat or ice therapy

Heat or ice therapy is a treatment that can be applied to nearly anywhere on the body where muscle tightness and pain is experienced. Whether from a desk job, sports injury or an awkward nights sleep, stiff, sore and swollen muscles are a common complaint.

Heat therapy is to promote blood circulation to an affected area and warms stiffened muscles. Cold therapy is used to prohibit blood circulation to an affected area and reduce swelling.


This treatment is used for pain relief, reducing inflammation and evoking the bodies natural healing process for swifter recovery and rehabilitation.

Fine needles are inserted into targeted parts of your body to stimulate and release natural energy and blockages.

How do I know I’m getting the best?

Though we have listed the best possible treatments, how do you know you will receive the best treatment?

All physiotherapists have a duty to provide a reasonable standard of care to patients and to protect their safety. Yet many of us surpass this duty, going above and beyond to ensure that we are proficient in:

  • Being responsive and empathetic
  • Explaining with minimal jargon
  • Diagnosing efficiently
  • Planning treatments
  • Using exercise, therapies and treatments effectively
  • Reviewing recovery

By researching trusted physiotherapist in your area, you will be able to build a picture of what clinics provide relevant services, standards delivered and procedures followed.

We’d love to see you

You now know a bit more about what physiotherapy treatments are out there, how they can be used for your specific needs and the benefits that they bring. So what should you do now?

At CK Physio we value the point of getting things right and when you’re in pain, we respect that you want to find a suitable solution fast! With many years of experience, our physiotherapists are there to direct you in a time of need so that you feel confident you’re receiving the best treatment possible.

Via a virtual consultation, we invite you to talk to our physiotherapist team. You can gain access to this by contacting our reception who will book you in. Use the session to ask questions and talk through the various treatments and requirements you may have before visiting our clinic.

We’re happy to help you find the best and most appropriate physiotherapy treatment for you. No problem is too big or too small and we’re only a click away!

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