How Physiotherapists Help Patients with Injuries Working at Home

17. November 2020

how physiotherapists help patients with injuries working at home

Working from home is by no means a new concept, but this year, many of us have abided by the rules and done our bit to keep the nation safe, working from home if and when we could.

At first, this was delightful, with a whole range of benefits. There was no commuting, or deciding what to wear; you could have a coffee when you pleased and actually have a decent lunch break. Plus be able to spend time with family or on activities you had long forgotten or been longing to try.

“In April 2020, 46.6% of people worked from home. Of those who did, 86% did so as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.”from

Office for National Statistics.

Nonetheless, as we enter yet another lockdown and for most people now deemed to be permanent remote workers, there are a few challenges that have come to the forefront. One of those challenges being the rise of sustained injuries whilst carrying out work duties at home.

“In the UK today, 1.4 million workers are suffering from work-related ill-health. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) represent 41% of all employment ill health cases with 156,000 new cases reported last year.”from

Actuarial Post.

Though there have been delights from working at home, there have also been issues in the setup of our ‘new work environments’. In an office, this would be naturally governed by managers or premises staff, yet our personal environments are not always efficiently equipped or so keenly monitored.

Working Safely at Home during COVID-19

With that alarming statistic of 1.4 million UK workers suffering work-related ill health, at CK Physio our aim is to help where we can and offer physiotherapist’s advice. We realise that without intervention, supervision or treatment it seems we will be having a pandemic within a pandemic.

When working at home it can be easy to forget the rigmarole of the old health and safety guidance and procedures drilled into us at work. Yet if we are to truly care for ourselves and work safely at home during this pandemic there are few things we need to adhere to.

That timeless saying ‘prevention is better than cure’ can be applied here. As experienced physiotherapists, our advice is given so that (in the nicest way possible!) we may never have to treat you. However, we also understand things do happen and want to be there to provide information, guidance and recommended treatments for home injuries.

“From March 23 to June 23 2020, UK-based internet searches for lower back pain soared by 106% (31,000-64,000), for repetitive strain injury rose by 60% (50,000-80,000) and neck pain by 37% (68,000-93,000).”from

Express UK.

Most remote work is thought to be desk-based but there are jobs that require manual handling and the use of electrical equipment, materials and substances. The majority of our homes are not set up to mirror that of our work environment, below we have summarised the most common risk for home workers and what home injuries to be aware of:

Manual handling

Lifting objects incorrectly or of great weight can lead to lower back or neck strain. Be sure to follow guidelines as if in the workplace.

Upper limb disorders (ULD)

ULDs can include aches and pain in the shoulders, arms, wrists, arms hands and fingers; also the neck. These disorders can include (but not limited to) carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), tendonitis/tenosynovitis and be caused by excessive force or prolonged repetitive work.

Use of work equipment

To ensure that your posture, eyesight and upper limbs are protected you must ask for the correct equipment from your employer and make sure your workstation setup is correct to avoid injuries.

Display screen equipment (DSE)

You need to make sure that your screen is adjusted to protect your eyesight and posture, in order to avoid strain.

Electrical equipment

To avoid injury, strain or nerve pressure any equipment provided must have had maintenance and examinations passed before issue. It is the responsibility of the employer to make sure the equipment is safe to use.

Lone working

Though some may have members of their family at home, others are alone and isolated. This can cause problems if in need of first aid, sudden illness if there is lack of rest or have insufficient hygiene facilities within the home. Unlike in the work environment, having immediate access to colleagues, lone working presents obstacles and can also have psychological effects.

Driving for work

Though we are mainly stating at home your job may at times require you to drive. To avoid an accident, strain or injury, make sure that your seat and controls are adjusted appropriately. Also making sure that you have adequate ventilation and stop for breaks if you need to.

Slips trips and falls

These are the most common reported injuries both in the workplace and at home! Make sure all cables are tidied away, that any loose carpet or tiling is secured and any work equipment or paperwork is organised neatly (preferably in a designated space).


Anyone can get stressed at work but with the current climate of the pandemic and new ways of working it seems to be heightened. Be sure to find someone you trust to open up to and be truthful on how you feel or are coping.

How To Prevent Injury While Working at Home

At CK Physio your health is important to us and whilst you sometimes know what you should be doing it is always good to recap and see it listed:

  • Sit properly
  • Use support
  • Elevate your screen
  • Avoid repetitive movements
  • Be mobile
  • Try simple desk stretches and exercise

These are very simple things to remember and implement for the safety against working from home injuries. Not sitting properly is probably something we are all guilty of and being at home it is easy to lounge. When sitting at a chair use support for your back, wrists or feet if needed.

Adjust your screen to the correct height and angle; try avoiding repetitive actions and make sure you get up and move about. Our bodies like to move and stretch, they don’t appreciate being stuck in one place or position for too long!

CK Physio is aware of the increase of remote workers and the need for information and services to assist in injuries sustained while working at home and for general wellbeing. Contact us today to seek physiotherapists’ advice and speak with one of our experienced colleagues who are experts in handling working at home injuries.

Through a detailed consultation, we are able to give you appropriate and accurate information, and on assessment, we will advise you on the best course of physiotherapy treatment to be provided for your personal circumstance and at a reasonable cost.

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