Those who suffer from a stroke are often afraid that their quality of life will be dramatically reduced. While severe strokes may indeed limit one's overall health, the fact of the matter is that a growing body of research suggests that physiotherapy following a stroke can have a pronounced impact on the prognosis of stroke patients.
How Physiotherapy Provide Recovery Methods for Stroke Patients
Physiotherapists can enable patients to slowly regain their mobility through targeted movements and exercises. Such a benefit has been known for some time and has been applied in various fields.
Increasing Blood Flow
One of the major concerns that many patients have will revolve around the circulation of blood to their extremities. Decreased blood flow can slow down recovery and lead to other serious complications. This is when it would be wise to choose a clinic or health centre like CK Physio that offers physio in London. In turn, this can help to increase the circulation of blood throughout the body.
The Involvement of the Brain
A stroke can have a significant impact on the function of the brain. Depending on where the stroke occurs, one or more areas of the brain could suffer damage. In the past, it was believed that such damage was all but irreversible. These opinions have changed in recent times. According to the Stroke Association, exercising with a dedicated physiotherapy routine can help the brain reorganise existing cells so that they can take over the work of previous segments. This is also referred to as neuroplasticity.
The main goal of these options is to work together with the patient and to gauge his or her response. Then, treatments can be modified as may be necessary. The amount of time needed for a recovery will naturally depend upon the doctor as well as the condition of the client. Physiotherapy will often be employed along with lifestyle changes such as a healthier diet or cutting out harmful activities (drinking alcohol or smoking are two prime examples).
To be clear, not all patients will enjoy a full recovery. The professional physiotherapist will assess each condition on a case-by-case basis in order to produce the best results with the ideal physiotherapy program.
Physiotherapy works: Stroke,