4. February 2021
physiotherapist advice on the “next normal” for health and fitness in 2021
It has been said that The Babylonians were the first to set New Year’s resolutions, some 4000 years ago; and as we head into a new year, we inevitably complete the ritual of creating resolutions to abide by as we see the year through.
What are the resolution trends for the ‘next normal’?
But let’s face it, even the most optimistic person can agree that there was nothing traditional or ‘normal’ about 2020, it was truly a year like no other!! So will our resolutions be affected by the aftermath of 2020? Or what we now perceive as the ‘next normal’, challenge our preconceived ideas of resolution-making and goal setting?
Doing more exercise and improving fitness top the list of resolutions (53%), with losing weight (48%) the second most popular resolution, and 39% resolving to improve their diet in 2021. [YouGov.co.uk]
Statistics show for 2021 there’s to be a clear focus for those wanting to improve their all-round physical health, whether it be to shed those lockdown pounds or to ward off and lessen the possibilities of injuries, infections and diseases. In line with the government health strategies, for the future, we are aiming to be a healthier nation.
Advice from frontline physiotherapists will help plan your New Year’s resolutions, get off on the right foot and be able to maintain gusto and enthusiasm on your quest to be fit and healthy.
Getting it right and keeping safe
With a pandemic that set upon the world aggressively from February until now, we have had time to evaluate and appreciate that 2020 truly highlighted the importance of our health, fitness and psyche. With scientific studies and government guidelines issued; teamed with the time we spent at home abiding by the rules to keep the nation safe. Keeping fit and healthy both physically and mentally have ranked extremely high on our to-do-list.
For 2021 and beyond the government wants people to seriously look at their fitness regime, dietary intake and mental health practices. Yet without proper guidance, this can prove to be difficult and counterproductive.
With many things changed for us in 2020, the best way to make a start with beginning a healthier lifestyle is by talking to a physiotherapist or practitioner. This way you will be able to discuss any limitations or concerns you may have, enabling them to guide you in the best way possible to achieve your goal.
With gyms closed for the near future, most will resort to finding new and creative ways in exploring health and fitness. With new workout routines, undertaking physiotherapy exercises along with stretches are extremely important to minimise the risk of injury.
Frequently reported traumas from exercise are mainly due to repetition and these can include
- Muscle strain
- Sprains
- Shin splints
- Tendonitis
- Dislocations
Obviously, you can injure any part of the body but the above mostly can occur in the wrists, shoulders, hips, knees, shins and ankles. There are also other points you need to be aware of when working out in order to reduce the risk of injury.
- Proper technique
- Correct usage of equipment
- Steady growth of strength & endurance
- Building core stability
- Accumulative training (not doing too much too soon)
How to set goals the SMART way
Goal setting can seem exciting but daunting at the same time. With so many ideas and things to try, sometimes we can feel defeated before we have even tied a lace on our running shoes or opened that fresh pack of rice cakes. So how do we achieve what we set out to do, therapists at CK Physio suggest in making your goals SMART, that is:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Timely
Specify exactly what it is you want to achieve and how. Do not be vague or go with the flow, getting fit and healthy is interpreted differently by all, in these current times a one size fits all approach will not work!
Decide what you want from a healthier lifestyle. Do you wish to lose weight, improve stamina, increase muscle definition or even run a marathon? Whatever you’re going for, though it may seem unimaginable at the moment, try to think of your goal as a long-term achievement for the future, rather than just for the here and now.
TIP: Be creative in how you achieve your goal to ensure you keep momentum and enthusiasm. Explore new workout routines and remember to be safe at all times before engaging in any physical activity.
Once you have specified what it is you want to achieve and how you must then make sure you’re able to measure and track your progress. Think to yourself, how will you know you are making progress or nearer to achieving the goal set.
There are many apps and gadgets that can assist you in tracking movement and measurements if necessary or you could use the old fashioned way of pen and paper! Either method will enable you to record your development and allow you to celebrate small wins along the way or identify room for improvements.
TIP: make small target reminders at spaced intervals to keep yourself on target and salute small wins. Remember slow and steady wins the race.
One of the biggest pitfalls when trying to attempt something new is not making it achievable. With setting an unattainable goal it is easier to become overwhelmed and defeated before you have even started.
Make sure your goal is realistic and attainable. If you want to lose weight, think about how long it took to gain that weight, if it was a few years you won’t be able to lose it in 3 weeks. Or if you’re wanting to work out like you did when you were in your teens, then it will take you a while to build up strength and stamina to reach optimal performance.
TIP: break your goal up into attainable chunks. This will keep motivation and also help to avoid overexertion and risk of injury.
Make your goal relevant to you, remember we mentioned that one size does not fit all. You are unique and through the past year things may have changed for you personally, so your goal and its approach may be affected by this.
Seeking advice on what exercises or practices may suit you best is advisable. This will ensure that your goal is fit for purpose, will be able to fulfil its outcome and also reduce any further strain or risk to your health or injuries.
TIP: anything is achievable, just have to be smart in the approach to reach the desired outcome. Be careful to list any existing issues that may need attention or professional advice to ensure you can achieve your goal safely.
They’re New Year’s resolutions for a reason, they are meant to be completed or worked towards, throughout the year! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to complete goals within the first quarter, instead, maybe set quarterly goals so that you can track progress in a timely manner. Some goals may take even longer than a year, the importance is that the goal of becoming fit and healthy is personal to you and fits in with your physical, dietary and lifestyle requirements.
We are only human, so with goal setting and achievement, you need to allow for moments where you may slightly fall off the wagon. If you allow for this time, these few blips won’t have a devastating effect in the long run.
TIP: be realistic in your completion times. Remember to give yourself rest days and even allow for cheat days (yes they are allowed, even the professionals have them!!)
Get it booked and ticked off the list
To help get the advice you need to start your new regime the right way, speak to one of our experienced physiotherapists who will be able to assist you in putting together a tailored fitness routine.
Have the confidence to start ticking off your to-do-list and contact us today via phone or our online booking system to book your appointment or virtual consultation. We will discuss with you at length any questions or queries you may have in regards to approaching a healthier lifestyle.
Adhering to the strict guidelines that Public Health England have instated, physiotherapy is classed as an essential health service and therefore we are able to provide face to face consultations if you wish. Yet for those who are currently shielding or feel slightly uncomfortable with meeting in person, CK Physio is offering comprehensive online consultations that can suit both your schedule and needs.
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