
19. May 2016

modern technological trends in physiotherapy that you need to know

The field of physiotherapy has come a long way in recent years, and there are several notable and innovative trends which many believe will reshape this massive field. Many patients unaware that some amazing technological trends are now helping to further transform this essential field. Let us take a closer look at some of the most interesting ones:

Mobile Technology

The majority of mobile phone users regularly employ their devices to access the Internet. This has begun to change the ways in which physiotherapy exercise programmes are monitored and it has been shown that patients are more likely to adhere to a certain routine if they can access a customised application.

Fitness Trackers

"Smart" watches and other wearable devices are now capable of monitoring one's fitness routines. They can collect data such as:

Heart rate
The total running or walking distance
Blood pressure

Thus, the likelihood of suffering injuries during a recovery period is much less.

Sourcing Physiotherapist-Related Information

Social media is another critical element in the lives of billions of individuals from around the world. It therefore only makes sense that this very same sector is now impacting the physiotherapy community. Potential clients are now using social media portals to directly interact with their physiotherapists and gain the opinion of previous patients about a certain physio. This is the primary reason why any London clinic needs to boast a strong presence within the virtual world, much like what CK Physio is doing.


The future is here today thanks to the emerging bionics market. Now, patients with previously debilitating conditions (such as hip dysplasia or severe arthritis) can utilise mechanical devices that aid in locomotion. There are two benefits here. First, chances of further injury can be greatly reduced. Second, previously immobile individuals can now enjoy a better quality of life; no longer will they be limited to only specific movements. This is quite important from a psychological perspective.

These are only a few ways in which the world of physiotherapy is continuing to evolve. While doctors and professional experts will always remain at the centre of this sector, technology is now radically improving prognoses and the overall health of countless patients from all walks of life.


The Best Fitness Trackers for 2016,

5 Technology Trends to Watch in Physiotherapy,

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