Physiotherapist Advice on Pain Management

25. November 2021

physiotherapist advice on pain management on arthritis

Many of us have heard of or are familiar with the term arthritis. Just saying it, I’m sure many painful stories and images are conjured in your mind.

But who knew, ‘arthritis’ is actually a word used to describe the pain, swelling and stiffness within a joint(s)?

It makes sense to refer to it in this way as arthritis pain can be excruciating. Affecting many areas of the body in just as many ways, rather than pertaining to one single condition.

If you, a friend, or a family member are suffering from symptoms of arthritis pain, CK Physio is here to help with pain management.

This article will explore physiotherapy treatment on arthritis under the following topics:

  • What is arthritis pain
  • Early signs that indicate arthritis
  • Common pain management treatments
  • Physio advice on arthritis
  • Benefits of virtual consultation before a face-to-face session

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is more than just a disease that causes pain.

There are many types of arthritis with the 2 most common being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

It’s a condition that ranges in severity and can be either inflammatory or degenerative. Leading to chronic pain, deformity, or disability.

The most common signs and symptoms of arthritis pain involve joints and are dependent on the type of arthritis you’re diagnosed with.

The symptoms of arthritis may include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness
  • Redness
  • Reduced range of motion

Source: Arthritis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

Alongside some of the symptoms mentioned, you may also experience morning stiffness lasting more than one hour, fatigue and weight loss.

How do physiotherapists diagnose arthritis pain?

Arthritis is a condition that can cause pain in any joint in your body, but it mainly affects the hands, hips, shoulders, knees, and ankles. Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause problems with other soft tissue and organs in the body.

The cartilage around the joints wears away and causes pain when you move. Some people develop arthritis due to old age, while others may get it after an injury.

Our physiotherapists are professionally trained in diagnosing and treating muscles and joint problems that are related to diseases, sports injuries, or accidents.

Physiotherapists take the time to diagnose each individual:

  • Asking questions: relating to the arthritis pain your experiencing, family history and current issues or restrictions.
  • Doing an examination: of all the joints of the body to check for any tenderness or deformities.
  • Check for other symptoms: like numbness or weakness in limbs and test your reflexes.

The treatment for arthritis and pain management methods varies from person to person depending on their symptoms and severity of the disease.

Early signs that indicate arthritis

If you’re currently active in your lifestyle and also as you grow older, it’s not uncommon to have a few aches and pains within your joints.

Yet, if you start to experience pain, stiffness, or swelling of a particular joint on a regular basis; this may indicate early signs of arthritis pain.

Early signs of arthritis include:

  • Pain in the joint
  • Swelling around the joint
  • Stiffness or discomfort triggered from activity or inactivity
  • Mobility, changes in your range of movement

These early signs usually appear over time and not usually an instant onset and may want to speak to a practitioner about physiotherapy treatment on arthritis.

If you have trouble bearing weight or your joint is red, swollen, and hot to touch. You should seek advice from your GP immediately as this may be a sign of infection.

Though these are signs to watch out for, arthritis pain has also been linked to food allergies!

How can food allergies affect your joints?

Although food allergies don’t directly contribute to all arthritis types, it is prevalently connected to rheumatoid arthritis & enteropathic arthritis.


It’s all to do with inflammation. Certain foods and food groups trigger inflammation within the body which exacerbates arthritis pain and accompanying symptoms.

There’s no set diet for arthritis sufferers to follow but monitoring your food intake and being aware of allergies can dramatically reduce your symptoms, improve your quality of life and be on your way to relief.

Some food groups that affect inflammatory arthritis:

  • Sugar and refined carbohydrates
  • Salt and preservatives
  • Dairy products
  • Fried and processed foods
  • Gluten
  • Alcohol

Source: 9 Most Harmful Foods that Promote Inflammatory Arthritis (, Physiotherapy | Benefits and how it can help | Versus Arthritis

Physiotherapy treatment on arthritis

Physiotherapists are often asked for advice on arthritis pain, plus how to deal with pain management.

To reduce the pain, a physiotherapist will supervise physiotherapy treatment on arthritis. And recommended a variety of treatments depending on the type of arthritis pain, the area, and your symptoms.

Common pain management treatments include:

  • Massage
  • Heat/ice therapy
  • Exercise
  • Meditation and relaxation
  • Acupuncture
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs)
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

Source: Pain Management - Arthritis Action

They may also advise self-care measures such as maintaining weight and muscle strength, increasing activity levels gradually and using assistive devices.

Other suggestions may entail lifestyle changes including weight loss as well as maintaining or increasing your range of motion and flexibility by exercising every day.

Exercise can range from walking to water aerobics, but you should always do something that you’re comfortable with and enjoy.

Your safety is paramount, and your physiotherapist will be able to assess what activities are suitable for your level of arthritis pain.

Nice to e-meet you!

Living with arthritis pain can be difficult, affecting both your physical and mental health.

CK Physio is here to help you feel confident about managing your condition.

We provide initial virtual physiotherapy consultations before meeting face-to-face.

Benefits of virtual physiotherapy consultations:

  • You feel more comfortable doing the consultation at your own pace.
  • A physiotherapist can assess and diagnose what you need without having you do much.
  • It saves time for you since there is no need for travel or waiting in line.
  • Another advantage of virtual physiotherapy consultations is that they can be done from the comfort of your own home.

This way, you don't have to book time off work or plan to make a special trip to our physiotherapy clinic for a consultation. Or leave your bed if you’re in severe pain or just need a check-up.

CK Physio can offer you advice on pain management, guidance for physiotherapy treatment on arthritis, and give reassurance as you work towards your goals.

Contact us today to book your initial video consultation and address any concerns or worries you may have. Arthritis pain no longer has a hold on you!

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