5. June 2014
Stroke is one of the most common fatal illnesses in the world, and it occurs when a clot obstructs a blood vessel from delivering the much needed bodily fluid to some parts of the brain (thus the condition is also referred to as 'brain attack'). Some of the brain cells then die, causing impairment in some motor or cognitive function.
However, it is believed by many medical professionals in west London that Ealing physiotherapy practices could help stroke survivors recover from their condition more efficiently.
Basically, physiotherapy is a study that involves a holistic or "whole body" approach to health and fitness, and it includes physical treatments like manipulative therapy, soft tissue massage, and exercise management, among others. One of the core goals of this system is the patient's involvement in his own healing and recovery process through education, awareness, and sometimes actual participation in their treatments.
Reference: What is physiotherapy
This patient participation, in turn, allows stroke victims to easily recover and re-integrate into society, thanks to self-management techniques. One example of this is the exercise management service, where physiologists like those in CK Physio help craft personalised regimens for stroke sufferers and regularly adjust the same whenever needed to maximise their recovery.
So what exactly can this treatment do for stroke victims? The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has this to say:
"Emerging evidence shows that physiotherapy very early after stroke (mobilisation within 24hrs) and at high intensity leads to better outcomes and is cost-effective. A minimum of 45 minutes of physiotherapy five days a week is recommended.
The National Stroke Strategy and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Stroke Quality Standard recommend intensive rehabilitation immediately after a stroke, across a seven-day service, with a skilled multidisciplinary team to limit disability and improve outcomes."
People who have had their mobility reduced by stroke without their condition requiring them to seek in-patient treatment can benefit best from this system. Others include those who have just come out of the hospital but want to continue with a rehabilitation program and those who, while already receiving outpatient treatment, want to increase the frequency of the care they're getting.
If you know a family member or loved one in west London who's suffering from the aftermaths of a stroke, you should consider taking them to Ealing physio professionals for help. With this treatment, you don't have to spend a lot on hospital rehabilitation treatments, and your loved one can return home all the quicker.
(Source: Physiotherapy works: Stroke, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy)