4. November 2021
can asthma be treated through physiotherapy?
Asthma is a common condition affecting people of all ages and is the most common long-term medical condition in children in the UK.
Source: NHS England » Childhood asthma
It is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways, with symptoms of asthma including wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing.
Asthma patients have inflamed airways that are sensitive to triggers such as dust, pollen, pet dander or tobacco smoke.
This article will be discussing the benefits of physiotherapy treatment to manage symptoms of asthma, and how it might help asthma patients with other aspects of their health.
Understanding the causes and symptoms of asthma
We know that asthma is a respiratory condition that makes it difficult to breathe.
But as an asthma patient, it’s important to understand what type of asthma you may have, to receive the best physiotherapy treatment to manage the symptoms of asthma.
Types of asthma include:
- Allergic asthma: triggered by allergens (pollen, dust mites, and pets)
- Non-allergic asthma: usually develops later in life and is not related to allergic triggers
- Seasonal asthma: flares with seasonal changes (cold weather, hay fever)
- Occupational asthma: due to the work you do or materials you work with
- Exercise-induced asthma: can also be termed (EIB) exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. This is a narrowing of the airways not caused by asthma.
- Childhood asthma: some asthma patients diagnosed as a child find it lessens or completely disappears when they enter adulthood.
- Adult-onset asthma: it can be diagnosed for the first time in adulthood, also known as late-onset asthma.
- Severe asthma: 4% of people are diagnosed with this, needing more care and robust treatments
Source: Types of asthma | Asthma UK
Due to various causes, it may be hard for asthma patients to know exactly which type of asthma they have. Some asthma categories can overlap, and symptoms may vary.
Common symptoms of asthma include:
- Breathlessness
- Wheezing
- Tight chest
- Coughing
Source: Asthma - Symptoms - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Although there are common symptoms of asthma, they can vary from person to person. Some asthma patients may have one symptom while others might experience a few mild or severe symptoms.
Most causes and symptoms can be treated with a combination of asthma medicines. Yet, adopting a healthier lifestyle and continuation of physiotherapy treatment can be extremely beneficial in managing the symptoms of asthma.
Physiotherapy treatment for asthma patients
Asthma has become one of the most common chronic conditions in the world. It can affect anyone at any age, and it can also worsen or cause other related conditions such as COPD, bronchitis, and emphysema.
It is important to know that there are treatments available for asthma, such as inhalers and medications. There are also many other things that you can do to help yourself get better!
This includes making sure that your environment is not causing you to have a reaction and knowing what medicine to take and when. Also, taking regular exercise, receiving physiotherapy treatment, and keeping a healthy lifestyle.
Our physiotherapists are highly trained professionals with expertise in assessing, diagnosing, and assigning treatment for asthma patients.
Your physiotherapist will assess asthma patients by:
- Medical history
- Family history
- Physical assessment
- Diagnostic tests
Physiotherapy treatment for asthma is carried out by way of:
- Physical exercise
- Breathing exercises/ retraining techniques
- Respiratory muscle training
- Education on self-management
- Well-being support
- Range of motion exercises
- Removal of secretion (if necessary)
Source: Asthma - Physiopedia (physio-pedia.com)
Asthma is a chronic disease with variable progression, that causes the airways in the lungs to narrow, making it hard to breathe. It can be caused by environmental factors or other health conditions.
Physiotherapy treatment can help asthma patients with:
- Breathing control
- Chest expansion
- Strengthening muscles around the chest
- Symptom management
- Reduced medication
Physiotherapists may use deep breathing exercises, strength training sessions, exercise therapy or yoga to help you learn how to control your breathing patterns by slowing down your breathing rate. This will help open your airways and make breathing easier.
Physiotherapy can provide relief from symptoms of uncontrolled asthma, including coughing, wheezing, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath and more.
It can also provide relief for those who have suffered an asthma attack and education on how to manage them if they occur in the future.
Managing symptoms of asthma with physiotherapy treatment
Asthma patients often notice their symptoms exacerbate when they are exercising, undergoing certain work activities or when they are exposed to environmental factors such as cigarette smoke.
The severity of the condition varies from person to person but it’s important to be aware of techniques provided by physiotherapy treatment to help manage or control these symptoms of asthma.
Mild cases of asthma can often be relieved with physiotherapy treatment sessions. For moderate to severe cases, these therapies are combined with other treatments like medications and breathing techniques for best results.
With the right combination of medicine and physiotherapy treatment, you can improve your respiratory function, lessen your asthma symptoms and reduce the number of asthma attacks you incur.
Don't let your asthma hold you back any longer
At CK Physio, we offer specialist advice and treatments for asthma patients, giving you the tools to manage your symptoms so that they don't ruin your life anymore.
We know that every asthma patient is different, which is why we work with each person individually to develop their own management plan that suits their needs best.
We offer a range of physiotherapy treatments for asthma sufferers - all designed with one goal in mind: better management of symptoms!
Use our online booking form to book a remote phone triage before your physiotherapy appointment, where we will be able to assess you and answer any questions, queries or concerns you may have.
Contact CK Physio today to see how we can help you breathe easy again!
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